Friday, June 30, 2023

Final Blog Post

Technology plays a huge role in daily life. I feel like for me, I spend so much of my day using some form of technology whether its social media, texts, schoolwork online, or television. During most days it’s hard to believe we even go an hour without using technology. 

I believe that my relationship with technology is healthy. It’s difficult to define exactly what a healthy relationship with it is, but I believe that as long as it’s having a mostly positive impact on your life then your relationship with technology is healthy. It helps me in a lot ways, specifically with school. There is so much information available on the internet. Particularly, that you could pick any topic and learn so much about it within minutes is amazing. Also, being able to do schoolwork online instead of having to print it out and hand it in is very efficient. It definitely is making me smarter that I can do so much research so easily. There are so many different ways to learn online that can help me to understand a concept quickly. Concerns about misinformation are very valid online. Anyone can post information, even if it is not true. That’s why ensuring the information is accurate with double-checking it is important as well as getting information from trustworthy sources. 

Something that does concern me is just how much we use technology, particularly the internet, on a daily basis. Between checking emails, messaging with friends, and schoolwork, we can spend so much of our day online. This can be problematic depending on how much time someone spends online. I have noticed that some people do spend a large portion of their day online and this can be a problem because they may forget to do other important things due to spending so much time on social media. Using technology in moderation can be a much better choice. Some of my friends do use social media and technology a lot more than I do. I believe that for each person it’s a personal choice how much they want to use it but it does have negative effects if they really spend such a large part of their day online.

What contact information to give out can be a difficult choice. It does depend on how well I know the person as to what contact information I might give them or with if a website is trustworthy as to if someone wants to sign up for their mailing list. Giving out an email address is much less personal than a phone number. Some people feel comfortable giving out social media account information over a phone number unless they know the person well.

The amount of information someone could figure out by looking me up online is not a lot. There is some information people could find out like phone numbers or what school I go to but not a lot of personal information. However this varies from person to person based on how much they use social media and the internet. 

I believe that a lot of people spend too much time on social media. “ When reflecting on the amount of time they spend on social media generally, a majority of U.S. teens (55%) say they spend about the right amount of time on these apps and sites, while about a third of teens (36%) say they spend too much time on social media. Just 8% of teens think they spend too little time on these platforms.” (Vogels, Teens, social media and technology 2022 2022.) There are totally benefits of using social media like interacting more with your friends but there are also negatives such as getting addicted to social media.

When people apply for jobs, it is common for the employers to look them up. If a prospective employer looked me up they would find my social media accounts first. I believe that the image it paints when they look at it them is that I am very professional. Some things that may paint the person in a negative light should be edited out. 

Overall, I believe that technology plays a very important role in our lives. My online presence is very professional. Technology can have a lot of benefits. It can be important to use technology in moderation. Social media addiction is definitely concerning but I believe that the benefits of technology can be very good.


Vogels, E. A. (2022, August 10). Teens, social media and technology 2022. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. 

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Final Blog Post

Technology plays a huge role in daily life. I feel like for me, I spend so much of my day using some form of technology whether its social m...