Monday, June 19, 2023

Blog #5: Twitter

Twitter revolutionized the world. It was invented by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006. Twitter is a social media platform that is very popular. According to Reuters, the number of daily users is “238 million.” (Reuters.) It is utilized to talk to friends, spread news, advertise, and serve as a town square digitally. 

Twitter started as just a concept among a few people. According to LifeWire, “ Twitter began as an idea that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey (@Jack) had in 2006. Dorsey had originally imagined Twitter as an SMS-basedcommunications platform. Groups of friends could keep tabs on what each other were doing based on their status updates. Like texting, but not.”  (LifeWire.) Like many other brilliant inventions, it was created with a simple idea of being able to bring people closer together. This was in a time when social media was just getting started. Therefore, they wanted to provide a place for people to gather online. That framework allowed Twitter to expand into new spheres over time. The impact that Twitter ultimately had will be far beyond messaging among friends.

The problem that they were trying to solve was not a small one. Friendships falling apart over time is a common problem due to the distance between people. It is common for people who were at one times living near each other to move to different states or countries. The way that Twitter fixed this problem was to enable the friends to remain in contact, no matter how far away from each other they might be.

Twitter changed the way that communication is done significantly. According to CNN, “ With Twitter, it's fast on steroids. In the Twitter echo chamber, all it takes is a few users with big follower counts to share something. With one click, those followers share it with their own followers. And the wildfire is set ablaze.” (CNN.) This means that one of the ways in which Twitter changed the way people communicate is that it is done in a much faster and more efficient way. Prior to this, one of the most popular ways that people communicated was over the phone. For having a conversation with a friend, a message on Twitter is way quicker as well as easier because now they don’t need to be available at the same time as you in the way a phone call requires.

Twitter had a huge effect on global politics. For example, former President Donald Trump used Twitter for a variety of purposes to communicate his messages. “He used the platform to tell Cabinet secretaries they’d been fired and to jawbone big corporations by name; he used it as a tool of diplomacy, if you could use that word, to threaten war personally against the president of Iran and brag about American nukes to intimidate North Korea.” (Politico.) This is important because it transformed Twitter from a place where conversations were had among friends to a place where news was made. If there was something he wanted to let his supporters know, he could just tweet it out. One of the great things for Twitter is that it encouraged more people to use their platform if they wanted to know the latest things going on politically. The fact that major events could be both done on and reported on with Twitter is significant.

Overall, Twitter has had a major impact on the world. It is used for various different reasons ranging from politics to news to keeping up with friends. These different areas of life that Twitter has changed are why Twitter is one of the most important new inventions.


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