Thursday, June 29, 2023

AI Blog

Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize the way that we live. I learned a lot from the documentary, In the Age of AI, and found it very interesting. It showed that so much of how our lives currently are could be upended from the new developments with artificial intelligence.

One of the things I learned was that a huge amount of jobs are at risk of being automated. For example, cashiers could have their jobs done entirely automated as has already begun to happen in certain restaurants. The documentary discussed how in a factory, robots were organizing the items in packages. This is a job that many people currently do and so if it gets automated in more places, we could see lots of jobs going away. 

It concerns me just how many jobs could be lost in such a short amount of time. According to The Brookings Institution, “ Indeed, the new automation will eliminate millions of jobs for vehicle drivers and retail workers, as well as those for health care workers, lawyers, accountants, finance specialists, and many other professionals.” (Holzer, Understanding the impact of automation on workers, jobs, and wages 2022.) If so many jobs could be lost, that is a major crisis in society. Artificial Intelligence would potentially impact nearly every job. In each career field, there are risks of automation. While some industries may be more impacted than others, it is still a concern to most jobs.

It is important that this automation helps society and doesn’t have a negative impact on society. One of the big pros of automation is that it can reduce the cost for businesses. If a store can simply use AI instead of a cashier, they could save a substantial amount of money. However, there is a negative of lost jobs for people. It is important to find a balance between helping businesses and ensuring that people can earn money. 

Artificial Intelligence is very important for national security. “ One of the clearest applications is detecting anomalies and helping determine what constitutes a cyberattack. Even if our weapon systems were uniformly advanced from a security perspective, AI would offer a benefit, but AI becomes critical when they are not.” (Pugh, Ai's key role in Cybersecurity and national security 2023.) Artificial Intelligence can be used in order to protect us. It can help to protect information. It can also be used in order to learn data that can be used to make decisions.

AI is very concerning in discussing online security. When considering something like identity theft, someone could quickly gather lots of information about a person using Artificial Intelligence. What might normally have taken them hours could be done in minutes. 

Overall, Artificial Intelligence is having a large impact on society. It can be used to save businesses money  and provide data quickly. It is important that we understand how AI works in order to be informed. Over time, AI may play a much larger role in society. 


Holzer, H. J. (2022, March 9). Understanding the impact of automation on workers, jobs, and wages. Brookings. 

Pugh, B. (2023, May 13). Ai’s key role in Cybersecurity and national security . The Hill. 

In the Age of AI.

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